Saturday, October 20, 2012

Dear Lance Armstrong

Dear Lance, First, I am not writing to judge, conclude, condemn, or vent. I like what you have been about and admire what you have accomplished. I have great respect for you. As for the latest accusations and reports, I have one request. Regardless of what you have said in the past, if you were involved in blood doping or other illegal activity, would you please just say so. Good people are gracious people. Good people may not forget but they do forgive. Sure, you will be criticized by many, but many will forgive and respect you and you can move forward. I and thousands of others want nothing but the best for you and your family and your cause. Remember, good people are forgiving people. Good people are gracious people.

Friday, September 14, 2012

political tone

As I have attempted to become more active in social media over the last year, I have enjoyed connecting with friends and having a way to share thoughts on various issues, events, and sometimes mindless activities.  In the last month, I have noticed so much more activity that is politically related due to the upcoming election and now the embassy attacks and attacks on Americans abroad.  I read so many posts related to the president, democrats and republicans, Muslims, al-qaida, etc.
As I read, my heart is often troubled by the tone and the content of these posts. I understand why people would want to remain unaffiliated with the Christian crowd.  So much of what is being said by Christian leaders and Christians in general is angry, hateful, brash, and thoughtless. Instead of praying for our leaders and being respectful as the Bible clearly teaches, so many Christians have taken on the role of bashing our leaders and communicating hatred towards them.  I even read one post yesterday from a professing christian saying that we should "send Obama back to Indonesia."  I don't speak for, nor am I responsible for those who write such things, but it does disturb my soul to see Christ followers communicate like this.  I don't blame people for wanting to stay away from any affiliation with this type of christianity.
I would BEG all people to NOT conclude that christianity equals extreme political rhetoric and/or views.  I beg people not to conclude that christianity equals hatred of other religions, hatred toward people of the far left or right, or hatred of those who support a different candidate.  Please consider Christ- the Christ documented in the Gospel books of the Bible, the Christ who gave his life so that we might have true life, the Christ who distanced himself from the judgemental religious leaders of his day, and the Christ who seemed more comfortable with the hurting struggling people than the people who thought they had it all together.  My goal as a christian is to experience the transformation that God desires in my life and to make Christ known to others through my actions and words.  My goal is not to get people to support a certain candidate,not to get people to vote for a specific party, nor to get people to agree with me on various social issues. I pray that people take an honest look at the real Christ. I hope and pray that people will look beyond the foolishness and sometimes fearful anger that comes from the christian crowd and see the real caring and sacrificial serving Christ.
My friend and pastor Jeff Jones shared a message with us a couple of months ago based on Titus 3:1-2 and Ephesians 4:2-6.  He called for "Unity within and Civility without." Please read these passages and let God use them as a guide as you engage in social media conversations and in all conversations.  Also, actively engage in the political process as we have been afforded the freedom to do so. Just do so in a healthy biblical manner, with respect, prayerfulness, and civility.  Let's start a new trend, a trend that includes prayer and respect. 
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